Frequently Asked Questions

Divorce Representaion

I want a divorce and do not believe I need an attorney. Why shouldn't I just download the forms from the internet and handle this issue myself?
I have a legal question regarding a divorce. Can I consult with you over the phone?
I need an aggressive attorney who will stand up for my rights and take charge. I read on your website that you are caring, etc.. Can you be aggressive?
I want to file for divorce, but I am fearful of how my spouse will react when they get "served" with papers. Do we have to "serve" him/her?

Divorce Jurisdiction

My spouse and I were recently married in Las Vegas. We live in Massachusetts and came to Florida on a vacation a few weeks ago. Unfortunately, our marriage is not working out. I like Florida and want to get divorced here. Can I?

Marital Asset Claims or Interest

My spouse and I purchased a house during the marriage. My spouse had bad or no credit, and as a result, the house is in my name only. I have always paid all of the mortgage payments, taxes, and insurance on the house. Do I have to share the property value with my spouse?
I had property before my marriage. That property has increased in value during my marriage. I do not have a prenuptial agreement. Is my spouse entitled to any funds relating to the value of that property?

Division of Marital Assets

I need to get a divorce and want to divide our property which includes our home. Currently, the mortgage balance is greater than the equity. Neither of us can afford to move out. How do we handle this financially and our future living arrangements?

Marital Debt

My spouse and I have considerable debt. My spouse incurred most of it. Am I responsible to pay that part of the debt?


My spouse worked (and earned a good income) prior to the marriage and immediately quit their job after we got married. I earn a good salary and have always paid all the bills during the marriage. We have been married for ten years. Will I have to pay alimony and if so, how much?
I have been paying "permanent" alimony for many years. My divorce papers say that it terminates upon my death or my spouse's remarriage. My ex spouse has been living with someone for about a year and I am tired of supporting them. What can I do?

Child Support

I have never lived with or married the father of my child. I would prefer he leave us both alone and simply remove himself from our lives . However, he wants to have our child 50% of the time. I do not want child support. How do I accomplish this?

Child Custody

I have never lived with or married the father of my child. I would prefer he leave us both alone and simply remove himself from our lives . However, he wants to have our child 50% of the time. I do not want child support. How do I accomplish this?
I am pregnant but not married. I want to have the baby and raise him or her as a single mother. I do not like the father of the baby and against my requests, he will not leave me alone, insists on seeing the baby and being involved in our lives. I do not want child support. Can you help?

Child Relocation

My spouse and I have lived in Florida for ten (10) years. I want to get a divorce (or I am already divorced) and move out of the state (relocate) and take my children with me. Can I?

Child Abuse

I believe my child's step parent is abusing him/her. What steps can I take?

Paternity Actions

I am being sued for paternity and I do not want to pay. I am not married to the person, hardly know the person, do not like the person, and was not involved in the decision on whether or not the baby should be born. I do not want to pay for a baby that I did not want. Is there anything that can be done?

Family Law Legal Fees

How much are my legal fees going to be?
Do you work on a payment plan?
Do you accept legal insurance?

Restraining Orders

My spouse and I recently had a serious argument. Today I was served with a restraining order. What do I do?